Using AI to Inform Your Video Marketing Strategy

Posted on by Fernando Sabre

AI videoArtificial intellience (AI) can help marketers increase the efficiency of their video strategy, and help tailor content to customers’ individual interests.

Video developers can use AI-based data collection tools to understand the content their customer base engages with and develop videos based on these insights. AI removes the necessity for creating a video, releasing it, recording user feedback and data, and then modifying it. Instead, AI allows marketers to build meaningful content right from the get-go, thereby streamlining production and costs.

Similarly, data analytics can make the most use of minimal data, so marketers of all sizes can test potential content on test audiences and reconfigure before committing to an extensive roll-out. AI allows brands to find the appropriate time of day their advertising will be most effective, leading to even greater efficiency.

Improving personalization: Users are shown to respond much more favorably to video ads based on their past search history, online behavior and social interests. AI analytics allows marketers to utilize this information to build targeted ads and content that speak to audiences in a very specific way. Showing your brand fits in with a viewer’s current loyalties and lifestyle provides a bridge to their attention.

AI can be used in some simple but effective ways to foster this belief, from using personalized video greetings to sending video birthday wishes.

Making suggestions: Video hosting platforms, such as YouTube, use complex algorithms to recommend similar content to their users. Brands can capitalize on the way video recommendations link together by incorporating applicable tags and descriptions in their videos. This will ensure the hosting platform recognizes the content is relevant to other comparable videos on their network and increase visibility without increasing costs.

Over five billion videos are watched on YouTube every day, and many brands are making it a priority to have a deeper understanding of how YouTube’s AI algorithms work so they can optimize their content for it. .

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Real time updates: Marketers using AI effectively are able to observe and understand customer responses, and modify their video content based on this and any change in the market’s climate, in real time.

If data suggests viewers are clicking away from the video at a certain point while watching, this information can be used to shorten or modify the video to keep watchers engaged. Similarly, if a particular phrase, graphic, or hook shows a high click rate, this can be repeated more often. Even small tweaks can be made swiftly to ensure the most relevant content is online, always. 

Social content: 100 million hours of video are watched on Facebook every day. Engaging video content on social media platforms clearly has enormous potential, and AI analytics can be used to develop and then monitor social media content.

The data collected while video content is live allows for optimization of future content and ever-increasing results. If a particular video worked well in the past, data can now show exactly how, where in the video, and how much increase in click-rate was achieved.

AI is also providing a boost to advertising opportunities within videos on social media. For instance, video creators can leave space in videos to easily incorporate an inserted image or message that is automatically generated based on a viewer’s location, language, and other demographics. This new form of video advertising enabled by AI will allow marketers to create powerful, personalized messages in a whole new way.

Sixty-one percent of marketing experts believe that AI and machine learning will be the most essential data initiatives in the next year. The explosive rise of video marketing, combined with AI, will make impersonal and generic marketing a thing of the past.

Fernando Sabre is cofounder and COO of




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