Channel | Data & Analytics

Marking the Spot of Generation X

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

Generation X has long posed a conundrum to marketers. They’re savvy, oversaturated, and busy people with a cynicism regarding the media. And yet the sociological forces that shape their worldviews are powerful and specific and, with a little creative thinking, can be the basis for marketing and development decisions targeting them.

Lights, Camera, WAAAAH!

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

It was quite a sight. As John Williams' theme to "Star Wars" trumpeted through the air, a majestic fleet marched forwarded. The Imperial Guard? Think even more imposing. Try a battalion of mothers with fully loaded strollers making their way into the Loews Boston Common Theater.

Six Seismic Shifts in Global Teen Culture

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

Certain experiences transform the outlook of an entire generation. For today’s 13- to 18-year-olds, the events of 9/11 had that effect. Seemingly overnight the world changed from one filled with the optimism and endless possibility of the Internet boom to a dark and anxious place threatened by global war and international terror. These dramatic changes…

Q&A with Pepper Miller and Herb Kemp: African-Americans Challenge Advertisers to Speak to Them Year Around

According to Pepper Miller and Herb Kemp, the authors of "What's Black About It?", "Civil rights activists and educators are becoming increasingly uncomfortable with the commercial exploitation of the month, originally intended to honor the history of black achievement in America. African-Americans are becoming more aware of the ulterior motives of some of the promotions…

Bridging the Global Gap

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

Many phenomena can drive companies to develop global or country/regionally localized Websites. Your CEO reads an article about huge opportunities in China and adds “going global” to his list of top three goals for 2006. A rival firm creates German and Spanish commerce sites to sell its wares. National regulations mandate that you localize your…

Ten Commandments for Marketing to Youth

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

Greg Livingston, Tim Coffey, and Dave Siegel are the authors of "Marketing to the New Super Consumer: Mom & Kid.” Here are some observations from the authors’ countless hours of work on and review of kid commercials. They call it the “Ten Commandments for Effective Ads for Kids.”

The Art of Ageless Marketing

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

Given the composition of our population, there is no need to choose between the youth market and the older consumer. In fact, to be successful you have to have them both--and you can, by focusing less on the differences between old and young, and more on the similar benefits both groups expect from your product.…

Chief Marketer Videos

by Chief Marketer Staff

Check out this replay of crowning the winners of the 2022 Chief Marketer PRO Awards, which began with a lively conversation between two PRO Awards judges, Visible CMO Cheryl Gresham and Disney Parks’ Senior Manager, Multicultural Marketing, Angela Burgin Logan.


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Awards 2023

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