Direct Mail, DRTV Most Effective in Reaching Hispanics

Posted on by Chief Marketer Staff

Direct mail was the most popular channel used by Hispanics that made direct response purchases, followed by DRTV and online marketing. Telemarketing trailed a distant fourth, according to a new study from the Direct Marketing Association and Directo: the DMA’s Council for Hispanic Marketing.

The study also found that:

* More than four in 10 Hispanics cite “convenience of shopping from home” as a reason for making direct purchases. Significantly, convenience was most frequently cited in reference to online purchases (56%). Those purchasing from television, mail or telephone offers respectively ranked convenience (45%, 44%, and 41%). * More than a quarter view “discounted and reduced prices” as an incentive to shop from home or office. * One quarter cited “time saved” as a reason to shop direct. * Among those making online purchases, 62% made five or fewer purchases, while 36% made six or more purchases. * Fifteen percent made a purchase by e-mail in the past year, with an average of 5.4 purchases. * Forty two percent of DRTV buyers reported only a single direct purchase in response to a television ad or infomercial.

Among the respondents that did not shop direct, more than a third (37%) indicated that they “preferred to see and touch items” and a little more than a fifth (21%) said that they were “not interested in items advertised.”

There were 1,124 completed interviews for the analysis. These interviews included 797 direct buyers/donors and 327 non-buyers.


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