Ecommerce Product Marketing: Three Insights for Creating Content

Posted on by Chief Marketer Staff

As companies continue to drive revenue through ecommerce opportunities during COVID-19, there is an increased importance placed upon product marketing—and specifically, creating content that will drive interest and conversions. Here are three considerations for product marketers when devising content to attract online buyers, according to an article in Multichannel Merchant.

Centralize Product Data

So that everyone on your ecommerce team outside marketing can digest, update and approve product data, use a product information management and digital asset management system to keep all the data safe and in one place.

Automate Workflow for Approvals

To avoid a lengthy content approval process—that could very well delay your product launch—use an automated workflow tool that allows reviewers to read what others have said, add to the dialog, and receive automated messages indicated it’s their turn to review the content.

Repurpose Content

Rather than creating new ecommerce product content from scratch, use images, social content, product descriptions and email messaging that have performed well previously to guide your future content.

For more details on these insights, read more in Multichannel Merchant.


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