Topic | Personalization

Don’t Make Email Marketing a Siloed Experience

|  by Beth Negus Viveiros

A siloed approach to email marketing and campaign management only leads to customer fatigue and frustration. Organizations that tear down these walls and deliver a relevant, seamless, cross-channel customer experience will be rewarded with share of mind—and wallet.

Marriott Rewards eNews: 2011 IMA Award Winner

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

2011 IMA Award winner, Best Email Marketing Campaign | The loyalty program, Marriott Rewards, mails monthly the email newsletter eNews, to its millions of worldwide members. The newsletter was too long and wordy for today’s fast-paced, digital-savvy consumer, and it needed updating with a more contemporary, easier-to-read format.

Holiday Email Watch: Free Shipping Friday Round-Up

|  by Beth Negus Viveiros

comScore reports that consumers have spent $30.9 billion online so far in November-December, a 15% increase over the same period in 2010. While Cyber Monday still holds the record for the heaviest online spending day of the year for the second ...

Marketers Increase Email Use On Black Friday

|  by Beth Negus Viveiros

Black Friday saw many brick and mortar retailers promoting themselves primarily through email, although pure-play online marketers weren't shy about using email to cash in on consumers' post-Thanksgiving shopping urges, either.

The Right Way to Grow Your Email Subscriber Base

|  by Beth Negus Viveiros

Many marketers wrestle with how to best grow their email subscriber lists. There are plenty of options, but they all have different pros and cons—and sometimes even legal consequences. From worst to better, here’s a quick rundown on some of these tactics and the pluses and pitfalls of each.

Chief Marketer Videos

by Chief Marketer Staff

Check out this replay of crowning the winners of the 2022 Chief Marketer PRO Awards, which began with a lively conversation between two PRO Awards judges, Visible CMO Cheryl Gresham and Disney Parks’ Senior Manager, Multicultural Marketing, Angela Burgin Logan.


Call for entries now open

Awards 2023

Click here to view the PRO Awards 2023 Call for Entries!


CM 200


Click here to view the 2023 winners!