8 Ideas for Boosting Email Marketing ROI

Posted on by Beth Negus Viveiros

magic 8 ballEmail continues to be a major workhorse when it comes to boosting engagement and conversion, particularly in B2B. Here’s eight tips for better email marketing.

1- Get visual. Show prospects what you are offering, says Annalisa Church, senior director, marketing technology at Akamai. Include eye catching clickable buttons in your email to engage recipients. “If you’re offering a video, show a picture with a play button.”

2- Vary the frequency. There’s no one size fits all rule when it comes to how frequently you should reach out to your audience. Stu Richards, CEO of BredIn, notes that the driver of email frequency should be determined by both how much your customers and prospects say they want to hear from you, and how much content you actually have to offer. “The driver of frequency is how much good stuff you have to share, and how much time it takes to come up with [relevant] topics and formats.”

3- Know the journey. What do you want a prospect to do once they open your email? Know your ideal customer journey and create communications that will guide your audience on their way. “You have to have a sense of where you are trying to take somebody,” says Anthony Nygren, evp, EMI Strategic Marketing.

4- Have clear goals. Superior B2B email marketing results begin with a smart strategy, says John Sisson, president of HBT Marketing and a speaker at LeadsCon Las Vegas. Make sure you know what your business goal is before you launch your email campaign. And then measure against it. And keep in mind that businesspeople are often on autopilot when looking at your email marketing messages. “They scan rather than read,” he says. “So use plenty of white space, really short paragraphs, bullets, lists, and super clear calls to action. Ideally, ask for only one action, but repeat that ask two or three times.”

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5- Be interactive. With the advent of technology like Google’s launch for AMP for email marketing, brands have more opportunities than ever before to get interactive with audiences in email, notes Jon Dick, vp of marketing at HubSpot. Experiment with in-email experiences like quizzes to boost engagement.

6- Don’t compete with yourself. Make sure that the emails the marketing team sends out align with those coming from sales and other departments. “Sales teams create their own cadence, and it is counter intuitive if marketing is sending one message and sales is sending another,” says Randy Frisch, CMO and president, Uberflip. “Look at all your channels and keep things coordinated.”

7- Stress urgency and the need to avoid risk. Subject lines that drive urgency, coupled with offer-related marketing preheaders, increase opening rates, because of the basic human desire to not miss out, says Nancy Harhut, chief creative officer of HBT Marketing and a featured presenter at LeadsCon. Business execs don’t want to make a mistake when buying a product or service for their organization, because it can cost them in term of money and personal reputation. “Send emails that remove risk by highlighting guarantees, testimonials from people like the target, and credibility markers such as industry awards and press mentions.”

8- Make it readable. People get a lot of email, and they may very likely be reading your message in a non-business setting, like while they’re waiting in line at the drug store or watching their kid’s soccer game, says Gordon Brott, founder of Gordon Brott Growth Marketing. Avoid big blocks of text that make it difficult to read, and keep the focus on the customer, not your product, to keep them engaged.



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