Email Marketing: Tips to Steal

Posted on by Beth Negus Viveiros
email marketing wine
More dynamic content is helping Allocade Wines improve email marketing for brands like Banrock.

Want to improve your email marketing strategy? The best place to start looking for ideas is your competition.

Monitoring successful competitors is a great way for brands to discover ideas for expanding their email marketing strategy. Practical Ecommerce offers tips for learning from other brands in your niche.

Know the triggers: Is an automated welcome series part of their process for onboarding new subscribers or customers? And, are there other events on their that trigger messages, such as abandoned carts. Writer Armando Roggio suggests subscribing with different addresses, via different browsers, so you’ll see the different campaigns being tested.

What creative clicks: What types of subject lines or email copy are your competitors using in their messaging? Consider keeping a spreadsheet to see what types of creative approaches competitors in your space are testing, and see if any patterns emerge, writes Roggio. For example, are numbers in subject lines popular? Are they cute and clever, or straightforward and to the point?

Monitor the frequency: What times of day or days of week do you see the most email coming out in your product category? Are competitors mailing daily, weekly or monthly? Their frequency might be much higher than your own brand’s output.

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Accolade Wines, home of brands such as Banrock, increased its email frequency after streamlining its email communication processes, moving to standardized templates and a more integrated database system.

“We can have dynamic content based on their preferences and purchase history, so it enables us to provide more relevant content,” Amy Goodsell, brand manager of Accolade told CMO Australia.

The more personalized email marketing strategy has resulted in a 15 percent uplift in gross sales, she said. “The wine market industry wide is soft at the moment, and we have maintained what we are doing, so it is a really good sign.”


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